With the Alec Bradley Tempus Nicaragua, founder Alan Rubin created a stout cigar, that's well-balanced and flavorful, and a cigar an enthusiast would take the time to enjoy and remember. The Tempus Nicaragua is a Nicaraguan puro that contains premium tobaccos from 5 different regions.
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ellorywells –
Initial Thoughts:
When it comes to fighting for the rights of the cigar-smoking community in the United States, one organization comes to mind – the Cigar Rights of America (CRA). Each year, the CRA offers membership and renewal incentives in the forms of discounts, merchandise, and cigars. Today’s cigar comes from my membership renewal in the middle of 2020.
Today, we’re reviewing the Alec Bradley Tempus Nicaragua Medius 6, a $9 cigar I got from the CRA. The first thing I noticed about the Tempus was its yellow cellophane, the CRA must’ve been holding onto this cigar for a while. That said, after removing the cigar from its sheath, it still looks pretty dang delicious.
The cold draw was about right, and I could taste wheat and lemon, two flavors I didn’t expect from a cigar that looked like this one did. After torching the end, I was pleasantly surprised and found some delicious flavors hiding inside this Alec Bradley Tempus Nicaragua.
CigarScore: 5
Brand: Alec Bradley
Line: Tempus Nicaragua
Size: 6 x 52
Cut: Guillotine
Light: Torch
Wrapper: Nicaraguan
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua
Smoke Time: 77 minutes
Through the middle of the cigar, the draw was just a smidge tight, but I could get plenty of flavors. I could taste hints of spice, lots of creaminess, and really delicious signature Nicaraguan flavors.
Final Thoughts:
Despite a tight-ish draw, the overall construction of the Tempus Nicaragua was excellent. The flavors were delicious and complex with both sweetness and spiciness.
One word of caution: the cigar I received looked to have been a few years old. Yours might not be when you buy it new, so flavor differences are to be expected.
However, and most importantly, my 80-or-so minutes with the cigar were very enjoyable. For all of these reasons, the Alec Bradley Tempus Nicaragua Medius 6 earns a CigarScore 5.